1. What do you think is one of the most important events in history? How would your life be different if this event had not happened? What do you think we can learn from this historical event?
Ans: Now I am going to talk about one of the most important events in history. In my opinion, the most important event that had ever happened so far would be the second great world war. I think it has changed the fate of the world big time. So many things have changed since then. So many people’s lives have also changed due to this. It is undoubtedly one of the most revolutionary events that has ever taken place. If it had never happened ever, the world would have been a different place for sure. There would have been less political chaos all over the world. Many people who had died in the great war would have been alive by now. I think we can learn about the significance and peace from this particular war, as these had been highly damaged because of this war
2. Do you think people learn from their successes or from their failures? Provide reasons to support your opinion.
Contrary to common beliefs about learning from failure, a person can learn more from success, according to new research. And I tend to support this view as well. There are numerous stories about failures turned into spectacular successesThese are certainly excellent feel-good stories.These stories do give us a hope of redemption, even in our lowest moments.It’s not that failure isn’t important here; it is, in fact, essential to all growth processes.But failure isn’t the process driving all of this growth and change; it’s just an unfortunate by-product.There is a key difference between merely enjoying success and actually learning from success. Learning from success is an active process. Therefore, I think it is far more beneficial for the people in general in the long run.
3. People are able to find happiness from the most trivial thing to the biggest thing. What are some things that make you happy, and what are some big things that make you happy?
People often think things like money or luxury lead to happiness, but research indicates some healthy life practices may actually be the key. And just like this, many simple things actually make me really happy. For example, simple experiences like spending time with my friends and my family or practicing gratitude makes me immensely happy. Even sometimes just sitting in the sun or listening to my favorite song can also improve my life satisfaction in the short term. I try to do what I love and it makes me happy a lot. In terms of big things, meeting any friend or close one after a long time makes me happy. Going somewhere for a trip also makes me happy. I try to find joy in more or less everything I do.
4. Technology has made long distance communication very easy . In your experience, what are the benefits or drawbacks to this?
A person can never imagine a world without technology. Today it is one of the most essential things that the world needs. Life is impossible without technology as everyone is dependent on it. Technology refers to the practical application of scientific knowledge for a purpose.Technology has both positive and negative effects. Many people use it for their growth, and some use it to harm society and the ecosystem. In terms of positive sides, it has made our life a lot easier than before. bSuch as, earlier people had to spend a lot of time cooking food, but now we can easily prepare our meals by using technology. By using a microwave. Besides, transportation has also become easier than before. On the other hand, due to over usage of the technology, people are now suffering from various health issues. Besides, sometimes people also fall prey to technology by seeing many unwanted things online or by doing any sort of misconduct by using technology. This can harm a person a lot.
5. What are some hobbies that you have? Which ones do you think you will have more time to enjoy in the next year? Suggest ways that these hobbies could change in the next five years?
Hobbies are the things that a person does in his or her free time to make that time more enjoyable.I also try to maintain some hobbies. My most practiced hobbies are writing, doing sports, and photography . I like to do these things whenever I can manage some free time. These hobbies give me more pleasure than anything. Next year, I think I will have some more time to do more photography. As there will be a course in my university on this particular topic. I am eagerly waiting for this opportunity as I will be able to learn about this topic by studying it. In many ways these hobbies could change in the next five years. For example, people would adopt new hobbies. There will be many more advanced sorts of hobbies for people in general. I think people would also love doing those things.
6. Who is the person you respect most? What makes them so special to you?
We all have different people we look up to. We respect them, follow their advice, and sometimes even try to be like them. These people may be role models or mentors to us. They could be our parents, spouses, friends – anyone who’s been important in our lives so far. In my case, I respect my mother the most. The reason I respect her is because she is a very honest person. I have never seen her lie or misbehave with anyone. She always acts so kindly with other people. Many people actually respect her for this quality. I try to follow her footsteps through my own actions as well. She always has a smile on her face and I think this particular attribute makes her so special to me and to other people as well. She is a very generous person. I would be very happy if I can ever have these qualities within me.
7. There are different ways that we can choose to spend our free time. Some people believe that it is more important to spend some of our free time helping others. Do you agree or disagree? Use examples from your personal experience or observations in your discussion.
There are different ways to spend our free time. Many people do many things to spend their free time. Some people adopt hobbies while others try to spend their free time by fulfilling their own wishes. I think people should try to spend their time by helping others. Because, in this way we all will be able to create a better world for everyone. Without everyone’s participation it would be really difficult to create a just world. When every person tries to help others from their own sides, the whole society becomes a better place to live in. In this way, other helpless people – who are in need of help – would be able to get enough support from the ones who have enough of it. I also try to help other people when I can manage some time . I try to do nice things for others. It gives me much pleasure. Besides, I think it helps me to do my part as an active, aware citizen. By doing this, I am being able to take part in the betterment of society. I also encourage others to do it as well.
8. Describe the last time you had a disagreement with someone such as a friend, family member, co-worker , or just someone you were interacting with. How did you resolve the disagreement? What did you learn from this experience?
As a person, I try to avoid any kind of disagreements as much as possible. But still sometimes I also find some disagreements with other people as well. Now I am going to describe a disagreement that I had with one of my family members, a few days ago. It happened to my sister. We had a disagreement over purchasing personal stuff for my mother. We went to the market together to buy that thing. But we could not agree on the product that we were supposed to buy. The one I liked was a bit expensive but it was absolutely good in quality. On the other hand, my sister chose another one which was quite good in quality while having a lesser price. BUt I could not like that thing for my mother. So we had to face a bi of disagreement over this right there.But after some discussion, we decided to buy the one that I liked. From that incident, I learned that most of the disagreements can actually get resolved if we discuss it and also bear the tendency to respect others opinions as well. It is indeed an excellent approach.
9. People don’t always agree. Based on your personal experience, what are some best ways to handle a disagreement?
It is not quite possible to agree on each and every matter that we encounter on a regular basis. Sometimes we have to go through various disagreements. But it certainly does not mean every disagreement we go through should bring any sort of disturbance among relationships. In fact, if we put enough effort , we can actually be able to handle disagreements in a smart manner. For example, when such a situation occurs- we can try to listen to others with utmost respect. Besides,having an open perspective can also help to handle such disagreements. We should remember that, in order to resolve such problems we have to act like a good listener first. It will certainly be helpful for all of us in the long run. Disagreements can actually ruin relationships among people. So we should truly act responsibly in this regard. We should act considerably while having such problems with other people. It can help us to have a civilized conversation. I think we should always prioritize relationships with others over such disagreements. Because, in the end that is what matters.